If you do not read Chinese, it will be very difficult to find your seat on a Chinese train. While Chinese passengers and the train attendants are usually very helpful and would gladly walk you to your seat, below is a simple guide to help you read a Chinese train ticket.
Sample 1 A China Train Ticket
The sample above are what a China train ticket looks like. It's a paper ticket . In this ticket from the left top, shows the information like below:
A) Ticket number, this is the serial number of train tickets issued from one terminal or ticket window
B) Departure station in Chinese
C) Departure station in pinyin, the spell of this pinyin accords with China Railway Passenger Transport Price List, which was released by Ministry of Railways.
D) Departure data and time - YYYY年MM月DD日hh:mm开
E) Ticket price in RMB
F) Validity information
---限乘当日当次车 - valid only on the specified date and specified train
---在3日内到有效 - the journey must be completed by day 3, day 1 is the departure day
---中途下车失效 - invalid if journey broken
G) 21 digital numbers
H) Code of the train ticket issuing station, it may not be the departure station. If you buy a ticket from Beijing to Shanghai at Hangzhou train station, then this code is Hangzhou train station
I) Code of ticket sale way
J) Code of ticket window
K) Date of ticket released
L) Ticket number
M) Ticket issuing station
N) Destination in Chinese
O) Destination in pinyin
P) carriage number, seat/sleeper number and train class >> train number info details
XX车YYY号 - carriage number XX and seat/sleeper number YYY
新 - New (higher standard)
空调 - Air-conditioned
特快 - Express train
快速 - Fast train
普快 - Ordinary train
硬座 - Hard seat
软座 - Soft seat
硬卧 - Hard sleeper (上铺 - upper, 中铺 - middle, 下铺 - lower)
软卧 - Soft sleeper (上铺 - upper, 下铺 - lower)
高级软卧 - Deluxe Soft sleeper (上铺 - upper, 下铺 - lower)
一等座 - First class seat
二等座 - Second class seat
Q) Discount info
R) 2D bar code
S) Train number >> train number info details
Sample.2 A named ticket