Kathmandu, Capital of Nepal, is one of the most popular gateway cities for international visitors to enter Tibet. The flights between Kathmandu and Lhasa is not daily, in peak season there will be 2 direct flights between Lhasa and Kathmandu, operated by Sichuan Airline and Air China. The Sichuan Airline departs every other day rather than daily. In addtion, there are also some other connecting flights between Lhasa and Kathmandu with stopover in Kunming, Chongqing and Chengdu.
Please NOTE that according to our past experience, the flights betwen Kathmandu and Lhasa got cancelled ramdomly, in the previous year about 50% of our groups got their flights postponed by 1-2 days later. So if you book this flight on your own, please check your mailbox from time to time, and also double check the flight booking status before flying to Lhasa or Kathmandu.
The following flights information is just for reference, you may search online for booking the flights to Tibet, or contact us for bookking.
Sometimes the internet booking platform might ask clients to provide Tibet Permits before booking the flight, but the problems is that the Tibet permit usually will only be issued 5-10 days prior to group's arrival and be posted to your hotel in China after issued. So if in any case you are rejected to book Tibet flights online, please just feel free to inquire us, as a reliable local travel agent we can help to book all flights without any obstacles. And on the other hand, we might get slightly lower rate than what you can get, so it will be good to check the flight with us to save money.